
`^̂J @255

INITEX @end repeatfi

15 =latexbug.msg


`^̂J You must use LaTeX2e to generate the bug report! If there is a bug in the installation procedure, and you can not create LaTeX2e, you may use initex to generate the report

tempaINITEX Older Versions of LaTeX are no longer supported. You must use LaTeX2e to generate the bug report! If there is a bug in the installation procedure, and you can not create LaTeX2e, you may use initex to generate the report@end


============================================================ LaTeX bug report generator ========================== Processing this file with LaTeX will produce a template latexbug.msg for submitting bug reports for the LaTeX distribution. Please do not report bugs in other, non-standard, files to the latex-bugs address.

latexbug.cfg* latexbug.cfg used **


Several categories of files are supported, corresponding to directories in the standard LaTeX distribution: 0) LaTeX:spaces The `base' format, and standard classes such as `article'. 1) tools:spaces Packages supported by the LaTeX3 project team. 2) graphics: The color and graphics packages. 3) mfnfss: Packages for using MetaFont fonts with NFSS (ie LaTeX2e). 4) psnfss: Packages for using PostScript fonts with NFSS (ie LaTeX2e). 5) amslatex: Classes and Packages supported by the AMS. 6) babel:spaces Packages supporting many different languages. -1 to -1 @=-1 As you are using INITEX, I will assume category `latex'


Quit with `x' and then re-start latexbug Only classes 0,1,2 are supported at this time

============================================================ Please give a one line ( < 50 character ) description of the problem. If you are using email to report the problem, please also use this text as the `Subject' line for the mail message: spacesspaces |<————————————————>|

< SYNOPSIS > ifundefinedsynopsismakeother -1 tosynopsis < SYNOPSIS >empty

This report generator may be used in one of two ways. If you choose the interactive option, you will be prompted to answer several questions. Otherwise a blank template will be created for you to fill in using your editor. INITEX should only be used for reporting bugs with the LaTeX2e installation procedure. If you have a working copy of LaTeX2e, please use that to generate the report.

Interactive session (y/n) ? ifundefinedinteractivemakeother -1 tointeractive



ifstarwmsgwmsg* LaTeX2e bug report. `=`Y Generated Template generated by latexbug.tex on /<10 0/<10 0 Reports may be submitted by email to latex-bugs@uni-mainz.de Please use the subject line: Subject: < SYNOPSIS > ============================================================

ifstarwmsgwmsg>Category: < CATEGORY >

ifstarwmsgwmsg>Synopsis: < SYNOPSIS >

ifstarwmsgwmsg>Confidential: no




9999/00/00nil @>12

If you still wish to complete the form, just type return. ! Your LaTeX installation is more than one year old. ! Please consider updating LaTeX before submitting this report. ! At least check a current latex.bug file, to see if the bug ! has been fixed in the current release. !

Your name: ifundefinednamemakeother -1 toname < ENTER YOUR NAME >

Your Address (preferably email): ifundefinedaddressmakeother -1 toaddress < ENTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS >

ifstarwmsgwmsg*>Originator: < ENTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS > ( < ENTER YOUR NAME > )


ifstarwmsgwmsg*>Environment: ifstarwmsgwmsg* Hyphenation: standard ifstarwmsgwmsg* TeX Version: TeXversion ifstarwmsgwmsg* Current Directory Syntax: currdir ifstarwmsgwmsg* Input Path: @path

ifstarwmsgwmsg*>Description: ifstarwmsgwmsgDescription of bug: spaces The answer to this question may take several lines. spaces (Each such line will be prompted by =>.) spaces Typing TWO consecutive blank lines terminates the answer. ifstarwmsgwmsg < ENTER BUG REPORT HERE > ifstarwmsgwmsg

Name of a SHORT, SELF-CONTAINED file which indicates the problem: This file should be as small as possible (preferably < 60 lines) Any non-standard files that the test file uses should be included using the filecontents environment. LaTeX will try to input this file, so give the full path if the file is not in the current directory. If you are not reporting a bug, and there is therefore no test file, just hit <return> -1 to

empty ATEX No test file. Three classes of report are supported: 0) sw-bug: spaces Bug in the software, the report should include a test file. 1) doc-bug: spaces Inaccuracies in the documentation. 2) change-request: spaces Not a bug, but rather a request for LaTeX to be changed. -1 to -1 -1empty @=-1 @=@ @ wmsgwmsg>Class: sw-bug ! Please edit the message to add a test file and log! -1 to tempa ifstarwmsgwmsg* >How-To-Repeat: ifstarwmsgwmsg*Sample file which indicates the problem: ======================================== < TEST FILE HERE > The log file from running LaTeX on the sample: ============================================== < LOG FROM TEST FILE HERE > ifstarwmsgwmsg>Class: doc-bug ifstarwmsgwmsg>Class: change-request Quit with `x' and then re-start latexbug Only classes 0,1,2 are supported at this time


@area@base.log @area@base.lis

ifstarwmsgwmsg* >How-To-Repeat:

ifstarwmsgwmsg* Sample file which indicates the problem: ========================================

Sample file not found. Please edit latexbug.msg to include the sample file. ifstarwmsgwmsg* < TEST FILE HERE > -1 to tempa #1`#1=11 @ copytomsg >60 !!! Your test file is lines long. !!! Such a large test file causes us problems: !!! * It makes it difficult to track down the error !!! * It makes our database for storing reports unnecessarily large. !!! !!! Please, if at all possible, cut down your test file to the !!! smallest file that shows the behaviour. -1 to tempa

ifstarwmsgwmsg* The log file from running LaTeX on the sample: ==============================================

@area@base.lis Log file @area@base.log not found. Please edit latexbug.msg to include the log file. ifstarwmsgwmsg* < < LOG FROM TEST FILE HERE > -1 to tempa #1`#1=11 @ @area@base.lis @area@base.liscopytomsg


You may wish to make further changes to the bug report file: `latexbug.msg' using your editor. A template for submitting bug reports has been left in the file: latexbug.msg Please use your editor to complete the file before submitting your report.

If you have access to email, please send `latexbug.msg' to: latex-bugs@uni-mainz.de Please use the subject line: spaces Subject: < SYNOPSIS > (This subject will be used in all subsequent correspondence.) Your message will be entered into a publicly readable database Accessable via the www (see bugs.txt for details). If do not wish this message made public, Edit the >Confidential: no field to yes before submitting this message. Thank you for taking the time to submit a bug report.

ifstarwmsgwmsg* ============================================================ End of LaTeX2e bug report. ============================================================
